Solidarity Division

An Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) company

As an Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) company, Cool Roof France has defined its activities, according to the principles of solidarity and social utility. The solidarity Division comes to structure this approach, in order to develop and increase the social and environmental impact of the company.

Team works to make our cool roofing solutions accessible to as many people as possible.

CoolMakers, the cool roofing in free access

Based on studies carried out by the Cool Roof France laboratory, our CoolMakers project allows anyone to create his own cool roofing solution by making the necessary purchases oneself, in supermarkets. Less resistant than our CoolRoof solution, the CoolMakers formula has for interest to be not expensive and accessible to fight against summer energy poverty.

We are convinced that it is possible to make cities breathe.

Sustainable urbanism, making cities in Africa and elsewhere breathe

Everywhere, temperatures are rising significantly. In Senegal, the effects of global warming are already being strongly felt, where 75% of the population is at a high level of vulnerability to heat waves, including 5 million of the middle class, and 8 million of the rural and urban poor [1].

One of the main lines of work of Cool Roof France’s Solidarity Unit is to rapidly disseminate cooling solutions. Cool Roof France commits itself into sustainable urban planning and to add its solution to contribute to the energy and ecological transition.

In France, supporting local authorities to limit fuel poverty

Many citizens find themselves in a situation of summer energy insecurity. High heat degrades the health of individuals and can lead to death, as illustrated by the 2003 heat wave: 14,800 deaths linked to direct causes of high heat such as heat stroke, hyperthermia and dehydration, cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases [2]. EPHAD, schools, nurseries, social housing, hospitals… Local authorities, who are responsible for the proper functioning of these public institutions, are faced with the management of this problem. Cool Roof France is committed to helping them.

From workcamps to public awareness and fundraising, Cool Roof France’s Solidarity Department works every day for more climate and social justice in France and Africa.

They support us

Ministère de la transition écologiqueRegion BretagneTechnopole Quimper CornouailleLogo Team For The Planet